Terms and Conditions



Dear colleagues,

The Institute of Cultural Heritage invites you to take part in the issue of the Archaeological Magazine – Vol. XV, no. 1-2

The Main Provisions

Papers on Archaeology and applied sciences, which unveil the results of the surveys in the Carpathian-Balkan region and the adjacent territories, will be published in this review. The main rubrics of the review are as follows:

analytical works,

materials and results of the field surveys,

applied researches,




chronicles of researches.

All these types of papers will be presented in Romanian; Russian; English, German or French. The editorial board of the review reserves the right to send the manuscripts for additional reading.

The main requirements for analytical papers, materials of field surveys, articles on museum matters

and applied researches:

Analytical papers, materials and results of field surveys, articles on museum matters and applied researches must meet the special requirements.


The structure of these papers must be as follows:

  1. Annotation (summary):

An annotation in three languages: Romanian, Russian, English, German or French must precede the main text[1]. The volume of each annotation must not exceed 1500 symbols. The annotations must be presented in the following format: Times New Roman; Font size 10; Space1,0.

  1. The main text:

The main text must be presented in the form of a manuscript in an electronic version: Times New Roman; Font size 10; Space1,5. The maximal volume of a manuscript must be 1.5 author’s list, including the illustrations and the list of literature (bibliography). The correlation text and illustration (including tables) will be 3/1.

III. Illustrations:

The illustrations must be presented in an A4 format in a graphic representation. Each illustration (figure) must bear a numeric sign and a legend. If a paper is in Russian or Romanian, the legends of the illustrations must be translated in English, German or French. It is desirable to present illustration in an electronic format (JPG or TIF, 600 dpi at list; the image/figure – 17 cm).

  1. Bibliography:

The references could be given in the original language/in transliteration in accordance with the US Library of Congress system [Petrov 1999, 15, ris. 3,4-6; Müller 1953, 123, Abb. 15,4-6].

The list of the used literature must be given in an alphabetic order at the end of the main text, but with observing the following requirements.

Samples for Monographs:

Bader 1978: T. Bader, Epoca bronzului în nord-vestul Transilvaniei. Cultura pretracică şi tracică (Bucureşti 1978). Avanesova 1991: N.A. Avanesova, Kul’tura pastusheskikh plemen epokhi bronzy aziatskoi chasti SSSR (Tashkent 1991)// Н.А. Аванесова, Культура пастушеских племен эпохи бронзы азиатской части СССР (Ташкент 1991).

Samples for Papers, published in the reviews:

Metzner-Nebelsick 1998: C. Metzner-Nebelsick, Abschied von den „Thrako-Kimmeriern”? – Neue Aspekte der Interaktion zwischen karpatenländischen Kulturgruppen der späten Bronz- und frühen Eisenzeit mit der osteuropäischen Steppenkoine. In: (Hrsg. B. Hänsel und J. Machnik) Das Karpatenbecken und die osteuropäische Steppe. Nomadenbewegungen und Kulturaustasch in den vorchristlichen Metallzeit (4000-500 v.Chr.) (München–Rahden/Westf. 1998), 361-422.

Dergaciov 1969: V.A. Dergaciov, Poselenie epokhi bronzy u sela Slobodka-Shireutsy. In: (ed. L.L. Polevoi) Dalekoe proshloe Moldavii (Kishinev 1969), 110-122// В.А. Дергачев, Поселение эпохи бронзы у села Слободка-Ширеуцы. В сб.: (Отв. ред. Л.Л. Полевой) Далекое прошлое Молдавии (Кишинев 1969), 110-122.

Samples for Papers, published in the periodicals:

Zaharia 1990: E. Zaharia, La culture de Monteoru. La deuxième étape de développement а la lumière des fouilles de Sărata-Monteoru (dép. de Buzău). Dacia N.S. XXXIV, 1990, 23-51.

Каchаlоvа 1970: N.K. Kachalova, Il’menskie kurgany. Arkheologicheskii sbornik 12, 1970, 7-34 // Н.К. Качалова, Ильменские курганы. Археологический Сборник 12, 1970, 7-34.

 Samples for Papers, published in the papers of conferences and seminars:

Sava 1994: E. Sava, Investigaţiile istorico-arheologice în microzona Rudi-Tătărăuca Nouă-Arioneşti, raionul Donduşeni. Cronica cercetărilor arheologice. Campania 1993. A XXVIII-a Sesiune Naţională de rapoarte arheo­logice, Satu Mare, 12-15 mai 1994 (Satu Mare 1994), 114.

Savva 1993: E. Savva, Pozdnefrakiiskii kulʼturno-khronologicheskii gorizont VII-VI vv. do n.e. v Moldove (po materialam kurgannogo mogilʼnika u s. Trinka). P”rvi mezhdunaroden simpozium „Sevtopolis”. „Nadgrobnite mogili Iugoiztochna Evropa” (Kazanl”k, B”lgaria 1993), 55-56/ Е. Савва, Позднефракийский культурно-хронологический горизонт VII-VI вв. до н.э. в Мол­дове (по материалам курганного могильника у с. Тринка). Първи международeн симпозиум «Севтополис». «Надгробните могили Югоизточна Европа» (Казанлък, България 1993), 55-56.

Samples for Scientific reports and archives:

Larina et al. 1996: O.V. Larina, K.P. Wechler, V.A. Dergaciov, S.I. Kovalenko, V.M. Bicbaev, Periegheze arheologice în raioanele Donduşeni, Drochia, Sîngerei în anul 1996. Arhiva MNAIM. Inv. nr. 358 (Chişinău 1996).

Agulʼnikov 1987: S.M. Agul’nikov, Otchet o polevykh issledovaniiakh Slobodzeiskoi novostroechnoi ekspeditsii v 1987 g. Arkhiv NMIM. Inv. nr. 266 (Kishinev 1988)/ С.М. Агульников, Отчет о полевых исследованиях Слободзейской новостроечной экспедиции в 1987 г. Архив НМИМ. Инв. № 266 (Кишинев 1988).

  1. The List of the Abbreviations
  1. The Data on the Author:

Surname, first name, position, place of work, postal address, telephone, fax, e-mail

The main requirements for reviews, anthologies, reviews and other papers

Such papers can be presented in a free form, but with taking into consideration the technical requirements, ac­cepted for the Review: Times New Roman; Font size 10; Space1,5. The maximal volume must be 0,5 authorʼs list or not more than 20000 symbols

The deadline for submitting papers vol. XV, nr. 1 is March 1, 2019 and for nr. 2 is July 1, 2019

The manuscripts and the electronic version on a diskette can be sent by post or directly to the editorship of the Review to the following address: The editorship of the Archaeological Magazine, Institute of Cultural Legacy of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, bul. Ştefan cel Mare 1, MD-2001 Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova

The additional information can be obtained on telephone: (0373) 69704431

E-mail: arheologie.ipc@gmail.com